The lower stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate of Paphiopedilum might partially caused by the lack of chloroplasts in the guard cell of Paphiopedilum. 另外兜兰低的光合能力还可能与保卫细胞叶绿体的缺失有一定关系。
The results showed that with the soil moisture increasing, the leaf water potential ( LWP), leaf fresh weight water content ( FWC) and the stomatal conductance ( Gs) raised, but the cell sap concentration ( CSC) decreased gradually. 结果表明,随着土壤含水量的增加,叶水势(LWP)、叶鲜重含水量(FWC)、气孔导度(Gs)逐渐增加,细胞液浓度(CSC)逐渐减小;
Role of large conductance calcium-activated potassium channel of arteriolar smooth muscle cells in cell membrane hyperpolarization after severe hemorrhagic shock 平滑肌大电导钙激活钾通道在重症失血性休克细胞膜超极化中的作用
The separated bands of carbon dioxide mix with a stream of pumped-in distilled water in a T-tube and then flow, in GC elution order, through a conductance cell of an electrolytic conductance detector for quantitative detection. 载气中各组分生成的CO2在T-形管内与用泵输入的蒸馏水相混后仍然保持互相分离,逐一依色谱流出顺序进入电导检测器进行测定。
Main techniques for point crop water information are Leaf Water Potential, Stomatal Conductance, Leaf Cell Sap Concentration, Canopy temperature, and Plant Transpiration Rate and so on. 点源作物水分状况信息的采集技术则主要有红外温度法、叶水势法、光谱法、茎变差法和蒸腾速率法;
Objective To study the inhibition of voltage-activated K+ conductance and cell proliferation by 4-aminopyridine ( 4-AP) in the human small-cell lung cancer ( SCLC). 目的探讨4氨基吡啶(4AP)对小细胞肺癌(SCLC)中电压激活性K+电流和细胞增殖的抑制作用。
Bipolar-pulse conductance measurement technique can overcome the effect of double layer polarization capacitance in electric cell and detect the conductance of solution accurately. 双脉冲电导检测技术克服了电导池双电层极化电容的影响,能较准确地测置出溶液的电导值。
Lysis rate was influenced by the voltage and duration of the pulse and the conductance of the cell suspension. 胞解率与脉冲宽度、电压和细胞悬浮液的电导率都有关。
For commercial amorphous Si thin films, however, there still remain some unavoidable disadvantages, i.e., low energy conversion efficiency, low conductance, and light induced degradation of cell performance ( the so-called Staebler-Wronski effect). 然而,商业上的非晶硅薄膜仍存在某些难以克服的缺点,如:能量转换效率低、电导率低,且易发生光致衰退现象(即所谓的Staebler-Wronski效应)。